Behavioral Health Administration Licensed Agency - We Accept Medicaid!
Behavioral Health Administration Licensed Agency - We Accept Medicaid!
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
We provide comprehensive services to allow you to meet your treatment goals while also continuing to work, take care of children, and/or other responsibilities. Our goal is to assist you in discovering alternative solutions for coping with life (trauma, depression, anxiety, etc.) rather than using mind-
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
We provide comprehensive services to allow you to meet your treatment goals while also continuing to work, take care of children, and/or other responsibilities. Our goal is to assist you in discovering alternative solutions for coping with life (trauma, depression, anxiety, etc.) rather than using mind-altering substances.
Group and Individual Therapy:
We provide group therapy sessions as well as individual therapy sessions with master's level therapists, experienced in the field of addiction and trauma. It is often in this work that the deeper "layers of the onion" can be safely uncovered, explored, and understood.
Substance Use Disorder Services (SUDS)
and Assessments
The Don’t Look Back Center applies a holistic approach to treatment which means
thinking about the big picture and addressing the whole person including their physical, mental and emotional health while taking social factors into consideration.
Intake Required*
Based on the needs and values of the client, care management facilitates the achievement of client wellness and autonomy through assessment, service planning, communication, education, resource management, advocacy, and service facilitation in collaboration with all service providers.
Intake Required*
Colorado Association of Recovery Residences (CARR) Certified Recovery Residence
We are dedicated to removing barriers to recovery by providing a safe, trauma informed living environments.
All of our homes are LGBTQ+2 inclusive
Women's Homes
Ciswomen /Transwomen
Mommy & Me Program
Our Denver home has specific rooms for pregnant mothers and m
Colorado Association of Recovery Residences (CARR) Certified Recovery Residence
We are dedicated to removing barriers to recovery by providing a safe, trauma informed living environments.
All of our homes are LGBTQ+2 inclusive
Women's Homes
Ciswomen /Transwomen
Mommy & Me Program
Our Denver home has specific rooms for pregnant mothers and mothers with children 1yr and younger. We provide a bassinet, diaper genie and newborn clothing for babies and maternity clothes for mom.
We connect each new mom & baby with at-home nurse visits. The relationships built and the resources provided, help the mother, baby and community become healthier.
Intake Required*
The Don’t Look Back Center, in collaboration with Second Chance Center in the City, coordinates with the Denver Sheriff Department to provide the maximum amount of wrap around services to pre-release and post-release clients released from Denver City & County Jail. The goal is to improve the quality of life for every person who comes to
The Don’t Look Back Center, in collaboration with Second Chance Center in the City, coordinates with the Denver Sheriff Department to provide the maximum amount of wrap around services to pre-release and post-release clients released from Denver City & County Jail. The goal is to improve the quality of life for every person who comes to us for help. Success is different for every person and each individual has a different timeline.
Intake Required*
Work and Gain Education & Employment Skills (WAGEES) is a successful community-based program that facilitates reentry for people under the Colorado Department of Corrections supervision (i.e. parole, transition in Community Corrections) or within in one year from their discharge date. WAGEES Communi
Work and Gain Education & Employment Skills (WAGEES) is a successful community-based program that facilitates reentry for people under the Colorado Department of Corrections supervision (i.e. parole, transition in Community Corrections) or within in one year from their discharge date. WAGEES Community Partners work in partnership with the Colorado Department of Corrections to help coordinate services and provide opportunities and support for successful reentry. Whether already out on parole or getting ready to come back home, WAGEES Community Partners can help.
Intake Required*
How To Escape Your Prison
Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) is a type of behavioral therapy that aims to reduce the likelihood of someone returning to substance/alcohol abuse. It's often used with people in the criminal justice system who have a history of substance abuse. MRT's goal is to prevent drug-related crimes from being re-offended.
How To Escape Your Prison
Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) is a type of behavioral therapy that aims to reduce the likelihood of someone returning to substance/alcohol abuse. It's often used with people in the criminal justice system who have a history of substance abuse. MRT's goal is to prevent drug-related crimes from being re-offended.
MRT is based on Erikson's Theory of Personality Development and Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Reasoning. It uses cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to help people make better decisions for themselves and others, and to promote a positive self-identity.
Auricular Acupuncture or Acu-Detox sessions can help reduce cravings, insomnia, drug dreams, anxiety and depression during addiction withdrawal, as part of prevention, improve sleep, and alleviate aches and pains.
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Helping Women Recover is a combined intervention of 32 sessions that integrates three theories: a theory of addiction, a theory of women's psychological development, and a theory of trauma; and then adds a psychoeducational component that teaches women what trauma is, its process, and its impact. The program model is organized into seven
Helping Women Recover is a combined intervention of 32 sessions that integrates three theories: a theory of addiction, a theory of women's psychological development, and a theory of trauma; and then adds a psychoeducational component that teaches women what trauma is, its process, and its impact. The program model is organized into seven modules. The first four: Self, Relationships, Sexuality and Spirituality are areas that recovering women have identified as triggers for relapse and as necessary for growth and healing. This program offers an evidence-based, manualized curriculum for treating addiction and trauma in women.
Intake Required*
Seeking Safety is an evidence-based addiction focused therapy, especially effective for those living with the often co-occurring diagnoses of trauma and substance abuse. Developed to improve coping skills and strengthen stabilization for those recovering from addiction and trauma, including domestic violence.
Intake Required*
Parents on a Mission (P.O.M.) provides the principles and practices for building healthy and happy parent-child relationships.
Experience P.O.M. and restore the joy of family relationships.
"Winning the hearts, mind, and loyalty of our children"
Intake Required*
(and here is why that matters)
Trans Outreach Program (T.O.P.) provides candid conversations over lunch about the experiences and needs of our trans sisters that offer
peer-to-peer support and community building.
Intake Required*
Habilitation Empowerment Recover (H.E.R) offers culturally proficient, strengths-based and trauma-informed group counseling intervention designed for Black women who are engaged in problematic substance use and involved in the criminal justice system.
Also appropriate for other women of color with comparable experiences of discrimination
Habilitation Empowerment Recover (H.E.R) offers culturally proficient, strengths-based and trauma-informed group counseling intervention designed for Black women who are engaged in problematic substance use and involved in the criminal justice system.
Also appropriate for other women of color with comparable experiences of discrimination based on race and/or ethnicity or negative cultural stereotypes.
Intake Required*
Participant Workbook $25
12 Weeks = 24 hours
TRACK A - 21 weeks = 42 hours
TRACK B - 26 weeks = 52 hours
TRACK C - 34 weeks = 68 hours
TRACK D- 43 weeks = 86 hours
We provide screening, education, and counseling for women, transwomen,
Participant Workbook $25
12 Weeks = 24 hours
TRACK A - 21 weeks = 42 hours
TRACK B - 26 weeks = 52 hours
TRACK C - 34 weeks = 68 hours
TRACK D- 43 weeks = 86 hours
We provide screening, education, and counseling for women, transwomen, men, transmen and non-binary individuals convicted of first-time or repeat driving under the influence (DUI/DWAI) offenses.
Intake Required*
Acknowledging that recovery raises special issues for women--from questions about sexuality, relationships and everyday life to anxieties about speaking up at mixed-gender meetings--A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps focuses directly on the feminine experience of addiction and healing. This new perspective takes into account the psy
Acknowledging that recovery raises special issues for women--from questions about sexuality, relationships and everyday life to anxieties about speaking up at mixed-gender meetings--A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps focuses directly on the feminine experience of addiction and healing. This new perspective takes into account the psychological development of women as it relates to addiction and recovery, as well as the social and cultural factors that affect women in particular.
A Life Skills Curriculum
***Only offered to program residents in House of RAHAB Transitional Sober Living Home
In partnership with Food Bank of the Rockies and We DON'T Waste, our food pantry is open to the public, regardless of program participation.
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Carolyn's Closet
Clothes, Shoes & Accessories
Workforce Development Services
Computer Lab
Resume - Mock Interviews